I'm so excited about this!!!
Our 'office' has been the eyesore of the house for a really, really long time. To make things worse, it's not a room I can simply close the door and ignore. It's right between the kitchen (you know that place where you spend 85% of your awake time in when you are Mom?) and my bedroom. So, basically I look at that spot 99% of my conscious time. I'm not quite sure what the builders meant that spot for when the house was made... perhaps an eat in kitchen area? Which would make our 'dining room' a 'formal dining room'?? If you know my house - this notion is laughable! Anyways - when we moved in the house 6 years ago, I needed a spot for working from home and we also had those huge computers with monitors that aren't flat and have towers (remember those?). So, naturally we had desks.
The room kind of elvolved into a dump-your-stuff-on-the-desks kind of room, we got laptops and the room got ugly. Real ugly.
(I spy one thing that's not ugly...)
Before | | |
I needed a spot for storage, somewhere to dump our bags when we walk in and an area where the children can color and/or do homework. And I needed to do it CHEAP!!
Here's what we came up with...
After (Ta Da!!) |
Hooks - How Handy! |
New 'Desk' - $0.99 in the As Is section of IKEA (OH YEA!!) |
The big desk was sold on Craigs List and the little one is still for sale (
you want it?), so fingers crossed, we'll actually make money on this makeover, but so far, it's only cost us out of pocket about $15 thanks to my handy husband. <3
New eyesore of the house? My ugly way too small for us kitchen table... next project!!