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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

small moments... That Night in the Hospital

I think it's the impatience in me that causes this... sometimes I have so much to say, so I kind of list out a bunch of awesome/meaningful things that happened, accompany a photo and move on.

My Roxy is in the first grade, and in their educational first grade journey as little writers, their teacher is trying to teach them to write about small moments, instead of listing out every single thing that happened in their beings. Writing about small moments means focusing on the details and really painting a picture of a memory with their words.

Here is my attempt at a small moment.

It was a week ago yesterday that Christopher had surgery to get his gallbladder removed. Two days prior to that, he fell ill. Early Saturday morning it started. I could tell he was in a lot of pain, yet it took me until midnight that night to convince him he needed medical attention.

The night before his surgery, he had been in the hospital all day. I visited him briefly earlier in the day with the 4 kids, but we had a full day as Sunday was also the day my parents arrived in town from Maryland. He asked me to come visit him to say good night after the kids were in bed.

So I did. I finally got the kids down. This was not an easy task. It was the first school night in over two weeks, Daddy was in the hospital and Mimi, Poppy and Lala were in our house. You can imagine their little brains were a bit tweaked.

Driving to the hospital for the 3rd time in less than 24 hours, I was exhausted. You know that kind of sleepy state where you are almost hallucinating things? That was me. Somehow, I made it to the hospital, parked properly and didn't even get lost in the hallways to his room.

As soon as I saw him, there in that hospital bed, I kicked my shoes off and climbed right in. It was the first time in forever I felt at ease. I could tell he wasn't in so much pain anymore, he was on a morphine drip. I've never had the stuff, but I hear it works pretty good. I cuddled up, we turned on my laptop and watched an episode of The Walking Dead.

He was so warm, the hospital bed was insanely comfortable at that moment. If there were other people in the room, I'm sure I totally ignored them. It felt like it was only Christopher and me there in that hospital. Christopher, me and the zombies.

We didn't talk about the IV, we didn't speak about the doctor, I did give him the Panda-Bug Roxy commissioned I make for him. I knew everything was going to be okay, it is an odd feeling for me to be in a situation where anxiety is warranted and not have anxiety.

When the show was over, he politely kicked me out so he could get some rest. I kissed him twice. I packed up the laptop and put my shoes back on. Then I kissed him again before leaving. His lips were warm and not even dry or crackly (as I had expected).

Then somehow, all of a sudden I was home again. I don't even remember the walk to the car or the drive home. I walked in, my Mom presented me with a Christmas gift she didn't know how to wrap - a cake plate with a dome. And Zoie yelled at me until she finally passed out at 11:30.

<3, Tabi :D

1 comment:

I love feedback, thanks so much for sharing.

Have an awesome day.

xo, Tabi :D

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